Kuap. Ru - Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung des МИНЕРАЛОВОДСКИЙ von Jahren


Архив рассылки

  • no. of Russian banks - 857,
    including NKOs - 51
  • no. of Ukrainian banks - 172
  • белорусских банков - 39
  • Balances (F. 101), ratios (F. 135) and capital (F. 123 and 134) available
    at 1 February 2022
  • Income (F. 102) available
    at 1 January 2022


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Central Bank of Russia registration number: 888

On this page you can see aggregated income statement of the bank. Data is available on YTD basis and for each quarter separately. To view data for desired period choose year from the list on the left. Sie können auch kennen lernen income statement codes aggregation methodics.

(Betrag in Tausenden Rubel)    full 12m
full 12m
Interest income - 3 221
Nostro accounts - 56
Loans to banks - 2 611
Loans to customers - 554
Corporate clients - 531
Individuals - 23
Net interest income - 3 221
Fee and commission income - 8 690
Accounts opening and maintaining - 179
Payments and cash operations - 8 445
Other fees and commissions - 66
Fee and commission expenses - -376
Payments and cash operations - -376
Net fee and commision income - 8 313
Investment income - 14
Dividends from stocks - 14
Other income and expenses - 243
Other operating income - 294
Write-offs of liabilities and payments due - 87
Other income - 207
Other operating expenses - -51
Other expenses - -51
Operating income before provision - 11 791
Change in provision for impairment of assets - 1 274
Operation income - 13 065
Administrative and other operating expenses - -13 994
Staff costs - -5 429
Depreciation - -339
Expenses related to premises and equipment - -4 119
Maintanence - -504
Lease of premises and equipment - -2 996
Other operating expenses - -619
General and administrative expenses - -4 107
Staff training - -68
Work trips - -43
Security - -1 680
Advertising - -4
Telecommunication and IT expenses - -539
Audit expenses - -156
Reports publishing expenses - -24
Insurance - -4
Taxes other than income tax - -946
Other general and administrative expenses - -643
Net income before taxes and provision - -2 203
Net income before taxes - -929
Net income - -929
Adjusted net income - -929

Скорректированная прибыль = Чистая прибыль без учета безвозмездно полученного имущества. По этой статье обычно отражается финансовая помощь от акционеров, ее исключение помогает понять реальную прибыльность банка.

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