Kuap. Ru - Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung des ИНТЕЗА von Jahren


Архив рассылки

  • no. of Russian banks - 857,
    including NKOs - 51
  • no. of Ukrainian banks - 172
  • белорусских банков - 39
  • Balances (F. 101), ratios (F. 135) and capital (F. 123 and 134) available
    at 1 February 2022
  • Income (F. 102) available
    at 1 January 2022


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Central Bank of Russia registration number: 3444

On this page you can see aggregated income statement of the bank. Data is available on YTD basis and for each quarter separately. To view data for desired period choose year from the list on the left. Sie können auch kennen lernen income statement codes aggregation methodics.

(Betrag in Tausenden Rubel)    full 12m
full 12m
Interest income - 693 808
Loans to banks - 213 517
Loans to customers - 462 363
Corporate clients - 462 363
Securities - 17 928
Debt securities - 17 928
State and municipal - 14 761
Resident banks - 511
Corporate domestic - 2 656
Interest expence - -273 033
Term dues to banks - -265 869
Resident banks - -154 733
Non-resident banks - -111 136
On demand customer accounts - -67
Corporate clients - -67
Term customer accounts - -7 097
Corporate clients - -7 097
Net interest income - 420 775
Fee and commission income - 217 367
Accounts opening and maintaining - 2 562
Payments and cash operations - 39 812
Trade finance operations - 85 466
Consulting and IT services - 14 793
Sale of acquired claims - 467
Other fees and commissions - 74 267
Fee and commission expenses - -40 409
Payments and cash operations - -1 599
Payment systems services - -479
Trade finance operations - -29 821
Brokerage services - -8 507
Other fees and commissions - -3
Net fee and commision income - 176 880
Net gain from operations with securities - 18 524
Realized - -11 415
State and municipal - -10 599
Resident banks - -8
Corporate domestic - -808
Unrealized - 29 939
Net gain from operations with foreign currency - 859 828
Realized - 246 888
Unrealized - 612 940
Other income and expenses - 4 382
Other operating income - 9 934
Lease of premises - 5 800
Other operating income - 1
Other lending (borrowing) - 2 470
Other financial operations - 782
Acquisition of surpluses of cash - 1
Other income - 880
Other operating expenses - -5 552
Other operating income - -1 781
Other lending (borrowing) - -32
Other financial operations - -6
Other operations - -40
Write-offs of shortfalls of cash and false cash - -2
Charity and related expenses - -3 549
Sale of premises / assets - -142
Operating income before provision - 1 030 555
Change in provision for impairment of assets - 82 369
Operation income - 1 112 924
Administrative and other operating expenses - -185 703
Staff costs - -94 405
Depreciation - -18 905
Expenses related to premises and equipment - -16 244
Maintanence - -12 290
Lease of premises and equipment - -1 851
Other operating expenses - -2 103
General and administrative expenses - -56 149
Staff training - -63
Work trips - -259
Security - -6 268
Advertising - -116
Entertainment costs - -1 210
Telecommunication and IT expenses - -14 245
Audit expenses - -6 614
Reports publishing expenses - -44
Insurance - -1 494
Taxes other than income tax - -17 926
Other general and administrative expenses - -7 910
Net income before taxes and provision - 736 283
Net income before taxes - 818 652
Income taxes - -205 676
Income taxes - -205 676
Net income - 612 976
Adjusted net income - 612 976

Скорректированная прибыль = Чистая прибыль без учета безвозмездно полученного имущества. По этой статье обычно отражается финансовая помощь от акционеров, ее исключение помогает понять реальную прибыльность банка.

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