Kuap. Ru - Aggregated balance sheet by currencies of РУСНАРБАНК, analysis of balance sheet currency structure

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  • no. of Russian banks - 857,
    including NKOs - 51
  • no. of Ukrainian banks - 172
  • Belarussian banks - 39
  • Balances (f. 101), ratios (f. 135) and capital (f. 123 and 134) available
    at 1 February 2022
  • Income (f. 102) available
    at 1 January 2022


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Central Bank of Russia registration number: 3403  complies with 214-FZ (equity construction)

On this page you can see aggregated balance sheet of the bank with currency breakdown (roubles and foreign currency). You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.

Balance sheet position, thous. rub. in roubles in foreign crnc. in roubles in foreign crnc. Change, roubles Change, foreign currency
ASSETS 14 002 551 12 196 947 1 805 604 13 270 912 11 190 932 2 079 980 -1 006 015 274 376
High liquid assets 768 396 192 439 575 957 837 819 703 137 134 682 510 698 -441 275
Interest-earning assets 10 781 878 10 774 620 7 258 9 220 067 9 212 464 7 603 -1 562 156 345
  Dues from banks 2 047 258 2 040 000 7 258 507 603 500 000 7 603 -1 540 000 345
  Securities 1 000 790 1 000 790 - 998 050 998 050 - -2 740 -
     Bonds 1 000 790 1 000 790 - 998 050 998 050 - -2 740 -  
  Loans to corporate clients 574 921 574 921 - 557 995 557 995 - -16 926 -  
     residents 349 993 349 993 - 336 157 336 157 - -13 836 -
     state-owned enterprises 4 4 - 4 4 - - -
     Past-due 425 498 425 498 - 432 321 432 321 - 6 823 -
     Provision for impairment of corporate loans -200 574 -200 574 - -210 487 -210 487 - -9 913 -
  Loans to private entrepreneurs 277 831 277 831 - 262 654 262 654 - -15 177 -
  Loans to individuals 6 881 078 6 881 078 - 6 893 765 6 893 765 - 12 687 -  
Other assets 2 452 277 1 229 888 1 222 389 3 213 026 1 275 331 1 937 695 45 443 715 306
LIABILITIES 9 562 003 9 299 205 262 798 8 787 257 8 612 790 174 467 -686 415 -88 331
Dues to banks 30 866 30 866 - 27 068 27 068 - -3 798 -
  On demand 20 607 20 607 - 17 884 17 884 - -2 723 -
  Term 10 259 10 259 - 9 184 9 184 - -1 075 -
     Central Bank of Russia 10 259 10 259 - 9 184 9 184 - -1 075 -
On demand 3 032 758 2 816 777 215 981 2 629 182 2 502 822 126 360 -313 955 -89 621
  Corporate clients 2 561 939 2 395 408 166 531 2 229 266 2 153 403 75 863 -242 005 -90 668
  Individuals 453 748 420 890 32 858 383 840 349 399 34 441 -71 491 1 583
  Brokerage accounts 17 071 479 16 592 16 076 20 16 056 -459 -536
Term 4 671 943 4 625 166 46 777 4 521 833 4 473 757 48 076 -151 409 1 299
  Corporate clients 886 472 886 472 - 873 724 873 724 - -12 748 -  
  Individuals 3 785 471 3 738 694 46 777 3 648 109 3 600 033 48 076 -138 661 1 299  
Other liabilities 1 826 436 1 826 396 40 1 609 174 1 609 143 31 -217 253 -9
EQUITY 4 440 548 4 440 548 - 4 483 655 4 483 655 - 43 107 -
        Capital 1 407 617 1 407 617 - 1 401 450 1 401 450 - -6 167 -
        Profit from previous years 2 388 794 2 388 794 - 3 007 297 3 007 297 - 618 503 -
          Retained earnings from previous years 2 388 794 2 388 794 - 3 007 297 3 007 297 - 618 503 -
        Current year profit 644 137 644 137 - 74 908 74 908 - -569 229 -
          Current year retained earnings 644 137 644 137 - 74 908 74 908 - -569 229 -
OFF-BALANCE SHEET -22 719 475 -22 719 475 - -19 217 665 -19 217 665 - 3 501 810 -
Contingent liabilities -36 027 514 -36 027 514 - -32 438 791 -32 438 791 - 3 588 723 -
Collateral on loans 13 078 661 13 078 661 - 12 988 758 12 988 758 - -89 903 -
Unprocessed payments 249 213 249 213 - 252 203 252 203 - 2 990 -
Other off-balance sheet accounts -19 835 -19 835 - -19 835 -19 835 - - -
Past due ratio, total 709 709 -0 730 730 0 21 0
Past due ratio, individuals 200 200 0 214 214 0 14 0
Past due ratio, corporates 5 487 5 487 0 5 626 5 626 0 139 0
Past due ratio, entrepreneurs 384 384 0 405 405 -0 22 -1
Past due ratio, corporates + entrepreneurs 4 117 4 117 -0 4 271 4 271 0 153 1
Risk-weighted assets 27 516 203 27 516 203 - 25 757 480 25 757 480 - -1 758 723 -
Past-due rate: 7,09% 7,09% - 7,30% 7,30% - 0,21% 0,00%  
corporate clients: 41,17% 41,17% - 42,71% 42,71% - 1,53% 0,00%  
individuals: 2,00% 2,00% - 2,14% 2,14% - 0,14% 0,00%  

You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.