Kuap. Ru - Aggregated balance sheet by currencies of ДЕРЖАВА, analysis of balance sheet currency structure

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  • no. of Russian banks - 857,
    including NKOs - 51
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  • Balances (f. 101), ratios (f. 135) and capital (f. 123 and 134) available
    at 1 February 2022
  • Income (f. 102) available
    at 1 January 2022


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Central Bank of Russia registration number: 2738  issues guaranteescomplies with 214-FZ (equity construction)

On this page you can see aggregated balance sheet of the bank with currency breakdown (roubles and foreign currency). You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.

Balance sheet position, thous. rub. in roubles in foreign crnc. in roubles in foreign crnc. Change, roubles Change, foreign currency
ASSETS 44 321 359 39 850 911 4 470 448 49 260 126 43 932 826 5 327 300 4 081 915 856 852
High liquid assets 252 051 153 783 98 268 1 845 537 1 339 546 505 991 1 185 763 407 723
Interest-earning assets 41 560 969 37 292 266 4 268 703 44 219 256 39 893 447 4 325 809 2 601 181 57 106
  Dues from banks 6 367 950 6 361 709 6 241 5 939 444 5 932 907 6 537 -428 802 296
  Securities 28 877 451 24 851 747 4 025 704 31 677 472 27 605 798 4 071 674 2 754 051 45 970
     Bonds 26 416 190 23 504 849 2 911 341 28 768 410 25 773 060 2 995 350 2 268 211 84 009  
     Stocks 2 461 261 1 346 898 1 114 363 2 909 062 1 832 738 1 076 324 485 840 -38 039
  Loans to corporate clients 2 680 778 2 680 778 - 2 986 027 2 986 027 - 305 249 -  
     residents 2 700 451 2 700 451 - 3 014 404 3 014 404 - 313 953 -
     Past-due 206 208 206 208 - 224 272 224 272 - 18 064 -
     Provision for impairment of corporate loans -225 881 -225 881 - -252 649 -252 649 - -26 768 -
  Loans to private entrepreneurs 1 583 1 583 - 1 619 1 619 - 36 -
  Loans to individuals 3 633 207 3 396 449 236 758 3 614 694 3 367 096 247 598 -29 353 10 840  
Other assets 2 508 339 2 404 862 103 477 3 195 333 2 699 833 495 500 294 971 392 023
LIABILITIES 33 550 757 29 578 732 3 972 025 38 968 856 34 315 149 4 653 707 4 736 417 681 682
Dues to banks 13 845 961 12 720 969 1 124 992 19 206 117 17 822 136 1 383 981 5 101 167 258 989
  Term 13 845 961 12 720 969 1 124 992 19 206 117 17 822 136 1 383 981 5 101 167 258 989
     Residents 13 845 961 12 720 969 1 124 992 19 206 117 17 822 136 1 383 981 5 101 167 258 989
On demand 4 906 234 3 417 540 1 488 694 5 220 250 3 862 233 1 358 017 444 693 -130 677
  Corporate clients 4 658 859 3 323 038 1 335 821 4 987 141 3 765 421 1 221 720 442 383 -114 101
  Individuals 220 819 91 291 129 528 227 985 94 072 133 913 2 781 4 385
  Brokerage accounts 26 556 3 211 23 345 5 124 2 740 2 384 -471 -20 961
Term 5 979 409 4 643 624 1 335 785 7 246 901 5 870 394 1 376 507 1 226 770 40 722
  Corporate clients 4 668 416 4 031 869 636 547 5 916 231 5 268 012 648 219 1 236 143 11 672  
  Individuals 1 310 993 611 755 699 238 1 330 670 602 382 728 288 -9 373 29 050  
Securities issued 1 562 328 1 562 328 - 1 709 489 1 556 507 152 982 -5 821 152 982
        Bonds 501 272 501 272 - 501 272 501 272 - - -  
  Promissory notes 1 061 056 1 061 056 - 1 208 217 1 055 235 152 982 -5 821 152 982  
Other liabilities 7 256 825 7 234 271 22 554 5 586 099 5 203 879 382 220 -2 030 392 359 666
EQUITY 10 770 602 10 770 602 - 10 291 271 10 291 271 - -479 331 -
        Capital 795 596 795 596 - 82 542 82 542 - -713 054 -
        Profit from previous years 8 289 265 8 289 265 - 10 010 484 10 010 484 - 1 721 219 -
          Retained earnings from previous years 8 289 265 8 289 265 - 10 010 484 10 010 484 - 1 721 219 -
        Current year profit 1 685 741 1 685 741 - 198 245 198 245 - -1 487 496 -
          Current year retained earnings 1 685 741 1 685 741 - 198 245 198 245 - -1 487 496 -
OFF-BALANCE SHEET 116 025 538 113 433 270 2 592 268 117 539 994 116 217 989 1 322 005 2 784 719 -1 270 263
Unused credit limits available 5 000 000 5 000 000 - 5 000 000 5 000 000 - - -
Contingent liabilities -159 580 475 -158 684 641 -895 834 -147 241 849 -146 469 781 -772 068 12 214 860 123 766
Collateral on loans 269 721 203 266 232 583 3 488 620 258 573 948 256 479 333 2 094 615 -9 753 250 -1 394 005
Unprocessed payments 1 275 965 1 275 965 - 1 599 074 1 599 074 - 323 109 -
Other off-balance sheet accounts -391 155 -390 637 -518 -391 179 -390 637 -542 - -24
Past due ratio, total 1 730 1 792 -62 1 644 1 703 -59 -89 3
Past due ratio, individuals 2 488 2 650 -162 2 430 2 595 -165 -55 -3
Past due ratio, corporates 709 709 -0 692 692 -0 -17 -0
Past due ratio, entrepreneurs 10 000 10 000 - 10 000 10 000 - - -
Past due ratio, corporates + entrepreneurs 716 716 -0 699 699 0 -17 0
Risk-weighted assets 73 251 292 73 251 292 - 69 780 891 69 780 891 - -3 470 401 -
Past-due rate: 17,30% 17,92% 0,00% 16,44% 17,03% 0,00% -0,89% 0,00%  
corporate clients: 7,16% 7,16% - 6,99% 6,99% - -0,17% 0,00%  
individuals: 24,88% 26,50% 0,00% 24,30% 25,95% 0,00% -0,55% 0,00%  

You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.