Kuap. Ru - Aggregated balance sheet by currencies of РОЗНИЧНЫЕ БАНКИ, analysis of balance sheet currency structure

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  • no. of Russian banks - 857,
    including NKOs - 51
  • no. of Ukrainian banks - 172
  • Belarussian banks - 39
  • Balances (f. 101), ratios (f. 135) and capital (f. 123 and 134) available
    at 1 February 2022
  • Income (f. 102) available
    at 1 January 2022


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On this page you can see aggregated balance sheet of the bank with currency breakdown (roubles and foreign currency). You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.

Balance sheet position, thous. rub. in roubles in foreign crnc. in roubles in foreign crnc. Change, roubles Change, foreign currency
ASSETS 2 921 659 651 2 490 290 983 431 368 668 2 977 971 407 2 536 946 007 441 025 400 46 655 024 9 656 732
High liquid assets 237 144 554 178 827 736 58 316 818 222 708 183 153 274 012 69 434 171 -25 553 724 11 117 353
Interest-earning assets 2 511 847 249 2 155 054 556 356 792 693 2 583 948 448 2 228 136 576 355 811 872 73 082 020 -980 821
  Dues from banks 326 201 455 282 535 347 43 666 108 306 741 245 264 865 521 41 875 724 -17 669 826 -1 790 384
  Securities 541 834 033 318 060 928 223 773 105 602 922 706 376 734 971 226 187 735 58 674 043 2 414 630
     Bonds 536 684 764 316 484 780 220 199 984 596 894 945 374 280 331 222 614 614 57 795 551 2 414 630  
     Promissory notes 1 744 563 1 744 563 - 469 919 469 919 - -1 274 644 -  
     Stocks 2 276 168 -1 296 953 3 573 121 4 429 304 856 183 3 573 121 2 153 136 -
          Mutual funds 1 128 538 1 128 538 - 1 128 538 1 128 538 - - -
  Loans to corporate clients 295 011 503 214 752 142 80 259 361 304 142 978 225 079 203 79 063 775 10 327 061 -1 195 586  
     residents 259 347 318 222 565 186 36 782 132 270 426 438 231 956 524 38 469 914 9 391 338 1 687 782
     non-residents 40 597 514 787 653 39 809 861 38 769 121 793 975 37 975 146 6 322 -1 834 715
     state-owned enterprises 11 630 591 11 630 591 - 11 204 892 11 204 892 - -425 699 -
     Past-due 31 561 362 27 893 994 3 667 368 27 346 638 24 727 923 2 618 715 -3 166 071 -1 048 653
     Provision for impairment of corporate loans -48 125 282 -48 125 282 - -43 604 111 -43 604 111 - 4 521 171 -
  Loans to private entrepreneurs 9 726 996 8 772 903 954 093 8 957 897 8 039 916 917 981 -732 987 -36 112
  Loans to individuals 1 339 073 262 1 330 933 236 8 140 026 1 361 183 622 1 353 416 965 7 766 657 22 483 729 -373 369  
Other assets 172 667 848 156 408 691 16 259 157 171 314 776 155 535 419 15 779 357 -873 272 -479 800
LIABILITIES 2 487 748 011 2 080 468 037 407 279 974 2 532 125 910 2 145 887 780 386 238 130 65 419 743 -21 041 844
Dues to banks 248 526 432 131 138 749 117 387 683 232 868 062 162 524 870 70 343 192 31 386 121 -47 044 491
  On demand 2 408 667 1 930 352 478 315 1 520 032 775 700 744 332 -1 154 652 266 017
  Term 243 048 949 126 992 329 116 056 620 231 055 976 161 491 433 69 564 543 34 499 104 -46 492 077
     Central Bank of Russia 1 394 374 1 394 374 - 1 358 083 1 358 083 - -36 291 -
     Residents 224 492 585 116 641 955 107 850 630 187 468 158 151 362 350 36 105 808 34 720 395 -71 744 822
     Non-residents 17 161 990 8 956 000 8 205 990 42 229 735 8 771 000 33 458 735 -185 000 25 252 745
        Other dues to banks 3 068 816 2 216 068 852 748 292 054 257 737 34 317 -1 958 331 -818 431
On demand 646 596 648 542 521 799 104 074 849 679 389 464 572 908 402 106 481 062 30 386 603 2 406 213
  Corporate clients 286 281 469 241 870 330 44 411 139 279 524 822 237 621 142 41 903 680 -4 249 188 -2 507 459
  Individuals 341 775 090 297 847 779 43 927 311 377 481 506 330 567 852 46 913 654 32 720 073 2 986 343
  Brokerage accounts 18 540 089 2 803 690 15 736 399 22 383 136 4 719 408 17 663 728 1 915 718 1 927 329
Term 1 454 829 437 1 280 103 179 174 726 258 1 490 902 594 1 290 958 486 199 944 108 10 855 307 25 217 850
  Corporate clients 338 314 222 243 410 574 94 903 648 375 361 723 251 851 762 123 509 961 8 441 188 28 606 313  
  Individuals 1 116 515 215 1 036 692 605 79 822 610 1 115 540 871 1 039 106 724 76 434 147 2 414 119 -3 388 463  
Securities issued 78 879 103 71 772 912 7 106 191 74 548 164 67 683 455 6 864 709 -4 089 457 -241 482
        Bonds 76 185 913 69 215 798 6 970 115 71 217 599 64 484 165 6 733 434 -4 731 633 -236 681  
  Promissory notes 2 561 336 2 425 260 136 076 3 198 711 3 067 436 131 275 642 176 -4 801  
  Depositary certificates 131 854 131 854 - 131 854 131 854 - - -
Other liabilities 58 916 391 54 931 398 3 984 993 54 417 626 51 812 567 2 605 059 -3 118 831 -1 379 934
EQUITY 433 911 640 433 911 640 - 445 845 496 445 845 496 - 11 933 856 -
        Capital 122 501 384 122 501 384 - 124 602 258 124 602 258 - 2 100 874 -
        Profit from previous years 213 693 068 213 693 068 - 212 694 738 212 694 738 - -998 330 -
          Retained earnings from previous years 213 693 068 213 693 068 - 212 694 738 212 694 738 - -998 330 -
        Current year profit 97 717 188 97 717 188 - 108 548 500 108 548 500 - 10 831 312 -
          Current year retained earnings 97 717 188 97 717 188 - 108 548 500 108 548 500 - 10 831 312 -
OFF-BALANCE SHEET 163 718 137 142 630 181 21 087 956 193 846 570 170 820 386 23 026 184 28 190 205 1 938 228
Unused credit limits available 20 252 678 19 894 881 357 797 26 054 410 25 744 881 309 529 5 850 000 -48 268
Contingent liabilities -950 520 432 -900 938 781 -49 581 651 -947 792 345 -908 052 281 -39 740 064 -7 113 500 9 841 587
Collateral on loans 1 271 954 594 1 200 998 421 70 956 173 1 276 022 117 1 213 067 690 62 954 427 12 069 269 -8 001 746
Unprocessed payments 97 800 842 95 111 267 2 689 575 113 709 299 110 971 692 2 737 607 15 860 425 48 032
Other off-balance sheet accounts -275 769 545 -272 435 607 -3 333 938 -274 146 911 -270 911 596 -3 235 315 1 524 011 98 623
Past-due rate: 10,24% 10,18% 11,53% 9,68% 9,66% 10,07% -0,52% -1,46%  
corporate clients: 9,45% 10,89% 4,61% 8,18% 9,56% 3,36% -1,33% -1,24%  
individuals: 10,42% 10,05% 80,59% 10,02% 9,68% 79,17% -0,37% -1,42%  

You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.