Kuap. Ru - Aggregated balance sheet by currencies of ХКФ БАНК, analysis of balance sheet currency structure

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  • no. of Russian banks - 857,
    including NKOs - 51
  • no. of Ukrainian banks - 172
  • Belarussian banks - 39
  • Balances (f. 101), ratios (f. 135) and capital (f. 123 and 134) available
    at 1 February 2022
  • Income (f. 102) available
    at 1 January 2022


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Central Bank of Russia registration number: 316  foreign-controlledretail lendingretail fundingCB RF representativecomplies with 214-FZ (equity construction)complies with 213-FZ (work with state companies)complies with 185-FZ (work with housing and utilities infrastructure)

On this page you can see aggregated balance sheet of the bank with currency breakdown (roubles and foreign currency). You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.

Balance sheet position, thous. rub. in roubles in foreign crnc. in roubles in foreign crnc. Change, roubles Change, foreign currency
ASSETS 300 230 370 280 675 359 19 555 011 299 846 726 279 728 614 20 118 112 -946 745 563 101
High liquid assets 10 535 565 9 813 183 722 382 11 013 856 10 128 421 885 435 315 238 163 053
Interest-earning assets 272 308 568 253 890 835 18 417 733 270 532 380 251 461 289 19 071 091 -2 429 546 653 358
  Dues from banks 40 161 745 35 847 282 4 314 463 38 637 330 33 146 709 5 490 621 -2 700 573 1 176 158
  Securities 16 662 700 9 396 401 7 266 299 16 967 236 9 350 299 7 616 937 -46 102 350 638
     Bonds 16 662 700 9 396 401 7 266 299 16 967 236 9 350 299 7 616 937 -46 102 350 638  
  Loans to corporate clients 8 335 935 1 818 486 6 517 449 7 511 210 1 873 375 5 637 835 54 889 -879 614  
     residents 3 641 499 1 562 406 2 079 093 2 616 349 1 595 473 1 020 876 33 067 -1 058 217
     non-residents 4 444 189 5 833 4 438 356 4 622 792 5 833 4 616 959 - 178 603
     Past-due 1 453 706 1 453 706 - 1 453 706 1 453 706 - - -
     Provision for impairment of corporate loans -1 203 459 -1 203 459 - -1 181 637 -1 181 637 - 21 822 -
  Loans to private entrepreneurs 61 61 - 61 61 - - -
  Loans to individuals 207 148 127 206 828 605 319 522 207 416 543 207 090 845 325 698 262 240 6 176  
Other assets 17 386 237 16 971 341 414 896 18 300 490 18 138 904 161 586 1 167 563 -253 310
LIABILITIES 243 951 885 224 973 377 18 978 508 243 871 826 224 099 834 19 771 992 -873 543 793 484
Dues to banks 117 974 81 532 36 442 932 730 929 581 3 149 848 049 -33 293
  On demand 75 974 39 532 36 442 150 632 147 483 3 149 107 951 -33 293
  Term 42 000 42 000 - 730 000 730 000 - 688 000 -
     Non-residents 42 000 42 000 - 730 000 730 000 - 688 000 -
        Other dues to banks - - - 52 098 52 098 - 52 098 -
On demand 83 761 001 82 447 597 1 313 404 82 607 939 81 344 019 1 263 920 -1 103 578 -49 484
  Corporate clients 3 014 487 2 981 994 32 493 2 646 395 2 615 735 30 660 -366 259 -1 833
  Individuals 80 746 506 79 465 595 1 280 911 79 961 536 78 728 276 1 233 260 -737 319 -47 651
  Brokerage accounts 8 8 - 8 8 - - -
Term 126 687 079 109 283 682 17 403 397 125 858 869 107 699 279 18 159 590 -1 584 403 756 193
  Corporate clients 21 115 020 6 256 500 14 858 520 21 877 780 6 314 300 15 563 480 57 800 704 960  
  Individuals 105 572 059 103 027 182 2 544 877 103 981 089 101 384 979 2 596 110 -1 642 203 51 233  
Securities issued 12 820 818 12 820 818 - 12 820 818 12 820 818 - - -
        Bonds 12 820 818 12 820 818 - 12 820 818 12 820 818 - - -  
Other liabilities 20 565 013 20 339 748 225 265 21 651 470 21 306 137 345 333 966 389 120 068
EQUITY 56 278 485 56 278 485 - 55 974 900 55 974 900 - -303 585 -
        Capital 4 464 189 4 464 189 - 4 422 417 4 422 417 - -41 772 -
        Profit from previous years 44 569 650 44 569 650 - 52 347 346 52 347 346 - 7 777 696 -
          Retained earnings from previous years 44 569 650 44 569 650 - 52 347 346 52 347 346 - 7 777 696 -
        Current year profit 7 244 646 7 244 646 - -794 863 -794 863 - -8 039 509 -
          Current year retained earnings 7 244 646 7 244 646 - -794 863 -794 863 - -8 039 509 -
OFF-BALANCE SHEET -195 632 780 -196 481 744 848 964 -195 905 520 -196 772 899 867 379 -291 155 18 415
Contingent liabilities -59 992 295 -59 992 295 - -60 099 710 -60 099 710 - -107 415 -
Collateral on loans 5 838 229 4 974 037 864 192 5 835 441 4 952 134 883 307 -21 903 19 115
Unprocessed payments 27 27 - 27 27 - - -
Other off-balance sheet accounts -141 478 741 -141 463 513 -15 228 -141 641 278 -141 625 350 -15 928 -161 837 -700
Credit card balances 26 881 103 26 881 103 - 27 488 364 27 488 364 - 607 261 -
Past due ratio, total 466 469 -3 473 474 -1 5 2
Past due ratio, individuals 420 410 10 426 415 11 5 1
Past due ratio, corporates 1 524 4 810 -3 286 1 672 4 758 -3 086 -52 200
Past due ratio, corporates + entrepreneurs 1 524 4 810 -3 286 1 672 4 758 -3 086 -52 200
Risk-weighted assets 470 039 415 470 039 415 - 474 050 445 474 050 445 - 4 011 030 -
Past-due rate: 4,66% 4,69% 3,50% 4,73% 4,74% 4,21% 0,05% 0,71%  
corporate clients: 15,24% 48,10% 0,00% 16,72% 47,58% 0,00% -0,52% 0,00%  
individuals: 4,20% 4,10% 74,97% 4,26% 4,15% 77,09% 0,05% 2,12%  

You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.