Kuap. Ru - Aggregated balance sheet by currencies of ИНВЕСТРАСТБАНК, analysis of balance sheet currency structure

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  • no. of Russian banks - 857,
    including NKOs - 51
  • no. of Ukrainian banks - 172
  • Belarussian banks - 39
  • Balances (f. 101), ratios (f. 135) and capital (f. 123 and 134) available
    at 1 February 2022
  • Income (f. 102) available
    at 1 January 2022


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Central Bank of Russia registration number: 3128  retail lending

On this page you can see aggregated balance sheet of the bank with currency breakdown (roubles and foreign currency). You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.

Balance sheet position, thous. rub. in roubles in foreign crnc. in roubles in foreign crnc. Change, roubles Change, foreign currency
ASSETS 4 927 512 4 859 309 68 203 4 915 375 4 842 622 72 753 -16 687 4 550
High liquid assets 658 035 591 373 66 662 479 745 408 528 71 217 -182 845 4 555
Interest-earning assets 3 639 188 3 637 681 1 507 3 879 896 3 878 395 1 501 240 714 -6
  Dues from banks 351 131 349 801 1 330 1 126 -199 1 325 -350 000 -5
  Securities 151 087 151 087 - 320 124 320 124 - 169 037 -
     Bonds - - - 250 949 250 949 - 250 949 -  
     Promissory notes 151 087 151 087 - 69 175 69 175 - -81 912 -  
  Loans to corporate clients 941 384 941 384 - 2 332 538 2 332 538 - 1 391 154 -  
     residents 1 048 048 1 048 048 - 2 490 241 2 490 241 - 1 442 193 -
     Provision for impairment of corporate loans -106 664 -106 664 - -157 703 -157 703 - -51 039 -
  Loans to individuals 2 195 586 2 195 409 177 1 226 108 1 225 932 176 -969 477 -1  
Other assets 630 289 630 255 34 555 734 555 699 35 -74 556 1
LIABILITIES 4 516 225 4 375 847 140 378 4 526 064 4 385 787 140 277 9 940 -101
Dues to banks 5 988 5 910 78 4 204 4 138 66 -1 772 -12
  On demand 5 988 5 910 78 4 204 4 138 66 -1 772 -12
On demand 295 555 276 330 19 225 280 590 258 785 21 805 -17 545 2 580
  Corporate clients 120 167 119 998 169 112 521 111 838 683 -8 160 514
  Individuals 175 388 156 332 19 056 168 069 146 947 21 122 -9 385 2 066
Term 4 170 993 4 050 481 120 512 4 194 007 4 076 407 117 600 25 926 -2 912
  Corporate clients 216 186 216 186 - 315 886 315 886 - 99 700 -  
  Individuals 3 954 807 3 834 295 120 512 3 878 121 3 760 521 117 600 -73 774 -2 912  
Other liabilities 43 689 43 126 563 47 263 46 457 806 3 331 243
EQUITY 411 287 411 287 - 389 311 389 311 - -21 976 -
        Capital 416 250 416 250 - 416 250 416 250 - - -
        Profit from previous years 53 112 53 112 - 53 112 53 112 - - -
          Retained earnings from previous years 53 112 53 112 - 53 112 53 112 - - -
        Current year profit -40 081 -40 081 - -62 757 -62 757 - -22 676 -
          Current year retained earnings -40 081 -40 081 - -62 757 -62 757 - -22 676 -
        Future expenses -17 994 -17 994 - -17 294 -17 294 - 700 -
OFF-BALANCE SHEET 5 574 132 5 574 154 -22 2 993 387 2 993 409 -22 -2 580 745 -
Contingent liabilities -173 340 -173 318 -22 -69 914 -69 892 -22 103 426 -
Collateral on loans 5 332 860 5 332 860 - 2 653 485 2 653 485 - -2 679 375 -
Unprocessed payments 338 990 338 990 - 338 637 338 637 - -353 -
Other off-balance sheet accounts 75 622 75 622 - 71 179 71 179 - -4 443 -
Credit card balances 410 932 410 755 177 385 856 385 680 176 -25 075 -1
Past due ratio, total 945 945 -0 728 728 -0 -217 -0
Past due ratio, individuals 1 322 1 322 -0 1 836 1 837 -1 514 -0
Risk-weighted assets 5 438 135 5 438 135 - - - - -5 438 135 -
Past-due rate: 9,45% 9,45% 0,00% 7,28% 7,28% 0,00% -2,17% 0,00%  
corporate clients: 0,00% 0,00% - 0,00% 0,00% - 0,00% 0,00%  
individuals: 13,22% 13,22% 0,00% 18,36% 18,37% 0,00% 5,14% 0,00%  

You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.