Kuap. Ru - Aggregated balance sheet by currencies of ТКС БАНК (ТИНЬКОФФ. КРЕДИТНЫЕ СИСТЕМЫ), analysis of balance sheet currency structure

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  • no. of Russian banks - 857,
    including NKOs - 51
  • no. of Ukrainian banks - 172
  • Belarussian banks - 39
  • Balances (f. 101), ratios (f. 135) and capital (f. 123 and 134) available
    at 1 February 2022
  • Income (f. 102) available
    at 1 January 2022


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Central Bank of Russia registration number: 2673  foreign-controlledforeign shareholdersretail lendingCB RF representativecomplies with 213-FZ (work with state companies)complies with 185-FZ (work with housing and utilities infrastructure)

On this page you can see aggregated balance sheet of the bank with currency breakdown (roubles and foreign currency). You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.

Balance sheet position, thous. rub. in roubles in foreign crnc. in roubles in foreign crnc. Change, roubles Change, foreign currency
ASSETS 1 277 317 260 1 010 746 210 266 571 050 1 233 583 621 966 035 908 267 547 713 -44 710 302 976 663
High liquid assets 175 197 036 114 577 362 60 619 674 111 679 121 68 207 939 43 471 182 -46 369 423 -17 148 492
Interest-earning assets 1 007 266 184 832 453 391 174 812 793 1 028 663 959 836 283 654 192 380 305 3 830 263 17 567 512
  Dues from banks 183 444 710 60 095 474 123 349 236 195 671 734 57 026 605 138 645 129 -3 068 869 15 295 893
  Securities 231 132 933 195 244 865 35 888 068 229 274 465 191 612 455 37 662 010 -3 632 410 1 773 942
     Bonds 230 917 891 195 029 823 35 888 068 229 146 506 191 484 496 37 662 010 -3 545 327 1 773 942  
     Stocks 215 042 215 042 - 127 959 127 959 - -87 083 -
  Loans to corporate clients 43 856 570 29 809 604 14 046 966 45 168 218 30 659 554 14 508 664 849 950 461 698  
     residents 31 231 894 30 971 870 260 024 32 135 048 31 862 687 272 361 890 817 12 337
     non-residents 13 864 750 78 000 13 786 750 14 308 135 78 000 14 230 135 - 443 385
     Past-due 556 880 556 688 192 677 930 671 762 6 168 115 074 5 976
     Provision for impairment of corporate loans -1 796 954 -1 796 954 - -1 952 895 -1 952 895 - -155 941 -
  Loans to private entrepreneurs 5 613 751 5 613 751 - 5 755 250 5 755 250 - 141 499 -
  Loans to individuals 543 218 220 541 689 697 1 528 523 552 794 292 551 229 790 1 564 502 9 540 093 35 979  
Other assets 94 854 040 63 715 457 31 138 583 93 240 541 61 544 315 31 696 226 -2 171 142 557 643
LIABILITIES 1 123 754 384 826 790 633 296 963 751 1 082 096 041 785 603 981 296 492 060 -41 186 652 -471 691
Dues to banks 18 676 677 11 794 023 6 882 654 12 380 193 8 212 026 4 168 167 -3 581 997 -2 714 487
  On demand 10 321 10 321 - 9 440 9 440 - -881 -
  Term 18 662 707 11 783 702 6 879 005 12 353 446 8 202 586 4 150 860 -3 581 116 -2 728 145
     Residents 18 662 707 11 783 702 6 879 005 12 353 446 8 202 586 4 150 860 -3 581 116 -2 728 145
        Other dues to banks 3 649 - 3 649 17 307 - 17 307 - 13 658
On demand 788 017 911 591 773 897 196 244 014 756 844 978 562 601 562 194 243 416 -29 172 335 -2 000 598
  Corporate clients 133 481 805 118 531 056 14 950 749 120 443 391 104 852 296 15 591 095 -13 678 760 640 346
  Individuals 543 946 069 436 880 161 107 065 908 525 946 930 416 275 346 109 671 584 -20 604 815 2 605 676
  Brokerage accounts 110 590 037 36 362 680 74 227 357 110 454 657 41 473 920 68 980 737 5 111 240 -5 246 620
Term 229 959 900 138 664 524 91 295 376 244 789 831 150 066 084 94 723 747 11 401 560 3 428 371
  Corporate clients 83 606 016 16 510 647 67 095 369 87 163 063 16 917 998 70 245 065 407 351 3 149 696  
  Individuals 146 353 884 122 153 877 24 200 007 157 626 768 133 148 086 24 478 682 10 994 209 278 675  
Securities issued 21 435 592 21 435 592 - 21 435 542 21 435 542 - -50 -
        Bonds 21 435 592 21 435 592 - 21 435 542 21 435 542 - -50 -  
Other liabilities 65 664 304 63 122 597 2 541 707 46 645 497 43 288 767 3 356 730 -19 833 830 815 023
EQUITY 153 562 876 153 562 876 - 151 487 580 151 487 580 - -2 075 296 -
        Capital 7 430 436 7 430 436 - 4 988 055 4 988 055 - -2 442 381 -
        Profit from previous years 93 727 068 93 727 068 - 141 963 839 141 963 839 - 48 236 771 -
          Retained earnings from previous years 93 727 068 93 727 068 - 141 963 839 141 963 839 - 48 236 771 -
        Current year profit 52 405 372 52 405 372 - 4 535 686 4 535 686 - -47 869 686 -
          Current year retained earnings 52 405 372 52 405 372 - 4 535 686 4 535 686 - -47 869 686 -
OFF-BALANCE SHEET 52 494 363 52 948 504 -454 141 54 169 171 54 680 063 -510 892 1 731 559 -56 751
Contingent liabilities -305 809 992 -305 359 154 -450 838 -315 218 084 -314 710 650 -507 434 -9 351 496 -56 596
Collateral on loans 322 215 848 322 215 848 - 332 096 439 332 096 439 - 9 880 591 -
Unprocessed payments 36 600 434 36 600 434 - 37 815 750 37 815 750 - 1 215 316 -
Other off-balance sheet accounts -511 927 -508 624 -3 303 -524 934 -521 476 -3 458 -12 852 -155
Credit card balances 286 119 582 284 603 698 1 515 884 293 596 192 292 048 514 1 547 678 7 444 816 31 794
Past due ratio, total 954 976 -22 948 970 -22 -6 0
Past due ratio, individuals 1 010 1 012 -2 1 002 1 004 -2 -9 1
Past due ratio, corporates 122 176 -54 144 206 -62 30 -8
Past due ratio, entrepreneurs 1 331 1 331 0 1 453 1 453 0 122 0
Past due ratio, corporates + entrepreneurs 271 372 -101 307 418 -111 47 -11
Risk-weighted assets 1 339 850 006 1 339 850 006 - 1 365 635 980 1 365 635 980 - 25 785 974 -
Past-due rate: 9,54% 9,76% 0,08% 9,48% 9,70% 0,14% -0,06% 0,06%  
corporate clients: 2,71% 3,72% 0,00% 3,07% 4,18% 0,04% 0,47% 0,04%  
individuals: 10,10% 10,12% 0,83% 10,02% 10,04% 1,08% -0,09% 0,25%  

You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.