Kuap. Ru - Aggregated balance sheet by currencies of АЛМАЗЭРГИЭНБАНК, analysis of balance sheet currency structure

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  • no. of Russian banks - 857,
    including NKOs - 51
  • no. of Ukrainian banks - 172
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  • Balances (f. 101), ratios (f. 135) and capital (f. 123 and 134) available
    at 1 February 2022
  • Income (f. 102) available
    at 1 January 2022


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Central Bank of Russia registration number: 2602  CB RF representativecomplies with 214-FZ (equity construction)

On this page you can see aggregated balance sheet of the bank with currency breakdown (roubles and foreign currency). You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.

Balance sheet position, thous. rub. in roubles in foreign crnc. in roubles in foreign crnc. Change, roubles Change, foreign currency
ASSETS 31 180 305 30 350 521 829 784 29 800 586 28 885 458 915 128 -1 465 063 85 344
High liquid assets 2 847 146 2 258 520 588 626 2 567 099 1 853 318 713 781 -405 202 125 155
Interest-earning assets 24 948 623 24 901 638 46 985 23 868 249 23 819 035 49 214 -1 082 603 2 229
  Dues from banks 3 315 053 3 315 053 - 2 306 658 2 306 658 - -1 008 395 -
  Securities 786 278 786 278 - 751 533 751 533 - -34 745 -
     Bonds 522 732 522 732 - 489 025 489 025 - -33 707 -  
     Stocks 263 546 263 546 - 262 508 262 508 - -1 038 -
  Loans to corporate clients 12 424 206 12 377 221 46 985 12 359 000 12 309 786 49 214 -67 435 2 229  
     residents 11 056 427 11 056 427 - 11 042 919 11 042 919 - -13 508 -
     state-owned enterprises 2 347 680 2 347 680 - 2 331 179 2 331 179 - -16 501 -
     Past-due 1 627 765 1 580 780 46 985 1 647 668 1 598 454 49 214 17 674 2 229
     Provision for impairment of corporate loans -2 607 666 -2 607 666 - -2 662 766 -2 662 766 - -55 100 -
  Loans to private entrepreneurs 791 201 791 201 - 764 085 764 085 - -27 116 -
  Loans to individuals 7 631 885 7 631 885 - 7 686 973 7 686 973 - 55 088 -  
Other assets 3 384 536 3 190 363 194 173 3 365 238 3 213 105 152 133 22 742 -42 040
LIABILITIES 27 252 222 26 663 067 589 155 25 951 020 25 325 313 625 707 -1 337 754 36 552
Dues to banks 38 984 38 984 - 26 888 26 888 - -12 096 -
        Other dues to banks 38 984 38 984 - 26 888 26 888 - -12 096 -
On demand 9 746 726 9 640 126 106 600 8 519 835 8 403 100 116 735 -1 237 026 10 135
  Corporate clients 6 058 769 5 966 556 92 213 5 172 473 5 089 964 82 509 -876 592 -9 704
  Individuals 3 687 765 3 673 378 14 387 3 347 188 3 312 962 34 226 -360 416 19 839
  Brokerage accounts 192 192 - 174 174 - -18 -
Term 16 624 607 16 174 987 449 620 16 575 244 16 101 650 473 594 -73 337 23 974
  Corporate clients 2 959 511 2 959 511 - 2 781 097 2 781 097 - -178 414 -  
  Individuals 13 665 096 13 215 476 449 620 13 794 147 13 320 553 473 594 105 077 23 974  
Other liabilities 841 905 808 970 32 935 829 053 793 675 35 378 -15 295 2 443
EQUITY 3 928 083 3 928 083 - 3 849 565 3 849 565 - -78 518 -
        Capital 3 766 179 3 766 179 - 3 729 281 3 729 281 - -36 898 -
        Profit from previous years -107 407 -107 407 - 141 406 141 406 - 248 813 -
          Retained earnings from previous years -107 407 -107 407 - 141 406 141 406 - 248 813 -
        Current year profit 269 311 269 311 - -21 122 -21 122 - -290 433 -
          Current year retained earnings 269 311 269 311 - -21 122 -21 122 - -290 433 -
OFF-BALANCE SHEET 23 103 633 23 103 499 134 22 722 144 22 722 003 141 -381 496 7
Unused credit limits available 300 000 300 000 - 300 000 300 000 - - -
Contingent liabilities -5 304 437 -5 304 437 - -5 145 484 -5 145 484 - 158 953 -
Collateral on loans 27 447 176 27 447 176 - 26 722 559 26 722 559 - -724 617 -
Unprocessed payments 1 589 473 1 589 339 134 1 773 428 1 773 287 141 183 948 7
Other off-balance sheet accounts -928 579 -928 579 - -928 359 -928 359 - 220 -
Credit card balances 3 955 3 955 - 5 050 5 050 - 1 095 -
Past due ratio, total 901 884 17 909 890 19 6 2
Past due ratio, individuals 345 345 0 336 336 0 -9 -0
Past due ratio, corporates 1 083 1 055 28 1 097 1 068 29 13 1
Past due ratio, entrepreneurs 2 490 2 490 0 2 584 2 584 -0 95 -1
Past due ratio, corporates + entrepreneurs 1 180 1 154 26 1 198 1 171 27 16 2
Risk-weighted assets 31 445 154 31 445 154 - 31 346 844 31 346 844 - -98 310 -
Past-due rate: 9,01% 8,84% 100,00% 9,09% 8,90% 100,00% 0,06% 0,00%  
corporate clients: 11,80% 11,54% 100,00% 11,98% 11,71% 100,00% 0,16% 0,00%  
individuals: 3,45% 3,45% - 3,36% 3,36% - -0,09% 0,00%  

You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.