Kuap. Ru - Aggregated balance sheet by currencies of ПОЙДЕМ!, analysis of balance sheet currency structure

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  • no. of Russian banks - 857,
    including NKOs - 51
  • no. of Ukrainian banks - 172
  • Belarussian banks - 39
  • Balances (f. 101), ratios (f. 135) and capital (f. 123 and 134) available
    at 1 February 2022
  • Income (f. 102) available
    at 1 January 2022


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Central Bank of Russia registration number: 2534  retail lendingretail funding

On this page you can see aggregated balance sheet of the bank with currency breakdown (roubles and foreign currency). You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.

Balance sheet position, thous. rub. in roubles in foreign crnc. in roubles in foreign crnc. Change, roubles Change, foreign currency
ASSETS 14 241 751 13 901 349 340 402 14 507 866 14 127 631 380 235 226 282 39 833
High liquid assets 901 254 613 512 287 742 966 797 638 478 328 319 24 966 40 577
Interest-earning assets 11 967 591 11 967 591 - 12 249 267 12 249 267 - 281 676 -
  Dues from banks 1 300 000 1 300 000 - 1 700 000 1 700 000 - 400 000 -
  Loans to corporate clients 555 871 555 871 - 614 115 614 115 - 58 244 -  
     residents 572 089 572 089 - 632 134 632 134 - 60 045 -
     Past-due 11 048 11 048 - 11 048 11 048 - - -
     Provision for impairment of corporate loans -27 266 -27 266 - -29 067 -29 067 - -1 801 -
  Loans to private entrepreneurs 592 592 - 592 592 - - -
  Loans to individuals 10 111 128 10 111 128 - 9 934 560 9 934 560 - -176 568 -  
Other assets 1 372 906 1 320 246 52 660 1 291 802 1 239 886 51 916 -80 360 -744
LIABILITIES 10 383 133 10 374 966 8 167 10 657 284 10 649 602 7 682 274 636 -485
Dues to banks 500 000 500 000 - 500 174 500 174 - 174 -
  Term 500 000 500 000 - 500 000 500 000 - - -
     Residents 500 000 500 000 - 500 000 500 000 - - -
        Other dues to banks - - - 174 174 - 174 -
On demand 334 579 326 412 8 167 345 314 337 632 7 682 11 220 -485
  Corporate clients 41 791 41 791 - 99 852 99 852 - 58 061 -
  Individuals 292 788 284 621 8 167 245 462 237 780 7 682 -46 841 -485
Term 8 807 437 8 807 437 - 9 038 084 9 038 084 - 230 647 -
  Individuals 8 807 437 8 807 437 - 9 038 084 9 038 084 - 230 647 -  
Other liabilities 741 117 741 117 - 773 712 773 712 - 32 595 -
EQUITY 3 858 618 3 858 618 - 3 850 582 3 850 582 - -8 036 -
        Capital 107 984 107 984 - 107 984 107 984 - - -
        Profit from previous years 2 582 578 2 582 578 - 3 706 635 3 706 635 - 1 124 057 -
          Retained earnings from previous years 2 582 578 2 582 578 - 3 706 635 3 706 635 - 1 124 057 -
        Current year profit 1 168 056 1 168 056 - 35 963 35 963 - -1 132 093 -
          Current year retained earnings 1 168 056 1 168 056 - 35 963 35 963 - -1 132 093 -
OFF-BALANCE SHEET -925 880 -925 880 - -951 224 -951 224 - -25 344 -
Contingent liabilities -321 411 -321 411 - -346 645 -346 645 - -25 234 -
Unprocessed payments 288 288 - 288 288 - - -
Other off-balance sheet accounts -604 757 -604 757 - -604 867 -604 867 - -110 -
Credit card balances 4 157 4 157 - 4 343 4 343 - 186 -
Past due ratio, total 2 510 2 510 -0 2 577 2 577 0 67 0
Past due ratio, individuals 2 605 2 605 0 2 686 2 686 -0 81 -0
Past due ratio, corporates 189 189 -0 172 172 0 -18 1
Past due ratio, corporates + entrepreneurs 189 189 -0 172 172 0 -18 1
Risk-weighted assets 32 739 914 32 739 914 - 32 685 696 32 685 696 - -54 218 -
Past-due rate: 25,10% 25,10% - 25,77% 25,77% - 0,67% 0,00%  
corporate clients: 1,89% 1,89% - 1,72% 1,72% - -0,18% 0,00%  
individuals: 26,05% 26,05% - 26,86% 26,86% - 0,81% 0,00%  

You can also get acquainted with balance sheet aggregation methodics.