Kuap. Ru - Группировка российских банков по тэгам - госбанки, ипотечные банки, розничные банки России

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Our statistics

  • no. of Russian banks - 857,
    including NKOs - 51
  • no. of Ukrainian banks - 172
  • Belarussian banks - 39
  • Balances (f. 101), ratios (f. 135) and capital (f. 123 and 134) available
    at 1 February 2022
  • Income (f. 102) available
    at 1 January 2022

Banks tagged with

In this part you may see all the tags. A tag groups several banks by some common attribute.

  • car loans - Banks with this tag specialize in car loans (including leasing). These are mostly captive banks of foreign auto manufacturers. Number of banks with this tag - 13.
  • CB RF representative - Under this tag we combine banks, who has the authorized representative of the Central Bank of Russia appointed in accordance with Article 76 of the Federal Law "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)." He or she has wide powers, in particular, may participate in meetings of the bank"s management. Number of banks with this tag - 150.
  • complies with 185-FZ (work with housing and utilities infrastructure) - Под этим тэгом собраны кредитные организации, соответствующие требованиям части 6.1 статьи 20 Федерального закона от 21.07.2007 № 185-ФЗ "О Фонде содействия реформированию жилищно-коммунального хозяйства" и части 2 статьи 176 Жилищного кодекса Российской Федерации от 29.12.2004 № 188-ФЗ Number of banks with this tag - 53.
  • complies with 213-FZ (work with state companies) - Под этим тэгом собраны кредитные организации, имеющие право на открытие счетов и покрытых (депонированных) аккредитивов, заключение договоров банковского счета и договоров банковского вклада (депозита) с хозяйственными обществами, имеющими стратегическое значение для оборонно-промышленного комплекса и безопасности Российской Федерации, а также обществами, находящимися под их прямым или косвенным контролем, по основаниям, предусмотренным частями 1 и 2 статьи 2 Федерального закона от 21 июля 2014 года № 213-ФЗ Number of banks with this tag - 137.
  • complies with 214-FZ (equity construction) - Под этим тэгом собраны кредитные организации, соответствующие требованиям части 1 статьи 15.1 Федерального закона от 30 декабря 2004 года № 214-ФЗ "Об участии в долевом строительстве многоквартирных домов и иных объектов недвижимости и о внесении изменений в некоторые законодательные акты Российской Федерации" по состоянию на последнюю отчетную дату Number of banks with this tag - 264.
  • complies with 275-FZ (work with defence procurement) - Под этим тэгом собраны кредитные организации, соответствующие критериям статьи 8.1 Федерального закона от 29 декабря 2012 года № 275-ФЗ "О государственном оборонном заказе" по состоянию на последнюю отчетную дату Number of banks with this tag - 7.
  • corporate bank - Number of banks with this tag - 0.
  • foreign shareholders - Banks with this tag are fully controlled (100% shares) by non-residents of Russian Federation but final beneficiaries are russian citizens. These are mostly banks whose beneficiaries use offshore companies to preside. Number of banks with this tag - 12.
  • foreign-controlled - Banks with this tag are fully controlled (100% shares) by non-residents of Russian Federation. These are mostly subsidiaries of large foreign financial institutions - according to russian legislation the only way to open business in Russia is to register a separate bank, it is not allowed to have a branch office. Number of banks with this tag - 71.
  • investment bank - Number of banks with this tag - 0.
  • issues guarantees - Под этим тэгом собраны банки, отношение выданных гарантий у которых превышает 40% активов-нетто (за вычетом резервов). Number of banks with this tag - 10.
  • mortgage-oriented - Banks with this tag specialize in mortgage lending. Number of banks with this tag - 3.
  • retail funding - Banks with this tag have no less than 70% of their liabilities represented by privete deposits. These are usually most expensive funds for the bank. Number of banks with this tag - 123.
  • retail lending - Banks with this tag have 40% or more of their net assets (less provision) invested into net loans to individuals (also less provision). Number of banks with this tag - 66.
  • state-controlled - Banks with this tag are controlled (50% shares or more) directly or indirectly (through parent company) by Russian Federation. Number of banks with this tag - 24.
  • systemically important - Number of banks with this tag - 10.
  • under resolution - Banks with this tag are being rescued by Agency for deposit insurance (ASV). You can see full list on the Agency's website - http://asv.org.ru/sanation/banks/ . Number of banks with this tag - 37.
  • under US sanctions - Banks with this tag were affected by 2014 US sanctions - such as banning from international payment systems (Mastercard and Visa) and restriction of attracting fund for more than 30 days. Number of banks with this tag - 10.
  • universal bank - Number of banks with this tag - 0.