Kuap. Ru - Income statement of the bank ДЕЛЬТА КЕЙ by years

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    at 1 February 2022
  • Income (f. 102) available
    at 1 January 2022


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Central Bank of Russia registration number: 3513

On this page you can see aggregated income statement of the bank. Data is available on YTD basis and for each quarter separately. To view data for desired period choose year from the list on the left. You can also get acquainted with income statement codes aggregation methodics.

(amount in thousands of roubles)    full 12m
full 12m
Fee and commission income - 185 246
Accounts opening and maintaining - 233
Payments and cash operations - 184 970
Other fees and commissions - 43
Fee and commission expenses - -59 939
Payments and cash operations - -487
Payment systems services - -59 452
Net fee and commision income - 125 307
Other income and expenses - 481
Other operating income - 946
Lease of premises - 835
Acquisition of surpluses of material assets - 69
Write-offs of liabilities and payments due - 42
Other operating expenses - -465
Sale of premises / assets - -465
Operating income before provision - 125 788
Change in provision for impairment of assets - -781
Operation income - 125 007
Administrative and other operating expenses - -89 147
Staff costs - -16 617
Depreciation - -1 492
Expenses related to premises and equipment - -59 383
Maintanence - -41 822
Lease of premises and equipment - -10 768
Other operating expenses - -6 793
General and administrative expenses - -11 655
Staff training - -251
Security - -1 121
Telecommunication and IT expenses - -973
Audit expenses - -140
Reports publishing expenses - -8
Taxes other than income tax - -5 287
Other general and administrative expenses - -3 875
Net income before taxes and provision - 36 641
Net income before taxes - 35 860
Income taxes - -8 383
Income taxes - -8 383
Net income - 27 477
Adjusted net income - 27 477
Retained earnings - 27 477

Скорректированная прибыль = Чистая прибыль без учета безвозмездно полученного имущества. По этой статье обычно отражается финансовая помощь от акционеров, ее исключение помогает понять реальную прибыльность банка.

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